Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nahumuremyi, Noel

Teaching through songs : A comparative study of traditional rundi and christian wedding songs / Noel Nahumuremyi ; Marie Thérèse Toyi, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of arts and social sciences, Department of english language and literature, 2018 . - VI-56f. ; 30 Cm.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree"Licence en langue et littérature anglaises"


In the Burundian culture, songs are of great importance for they constitute a way in which people express their feelings and convey relevant messages. As there are many and different kinds of songs, this work is concerned with wedding songs from Burundian tradition and Judo Christianity.
This study aims at analyzing selected traditional Rundi and Judo Christian wedding songs to compare their pragmatic meanings of the messages conveyed. For that reason, two research instruments were used to collect data : some books on Rundi oral literature and others Christian tradition of marriage. In addition, an approximate translation of the two kinds of wedding songs was done with the help of informants who provided meaning to some traditional expressions that were only understood by old and wise people. Once translated and comparatively analysed, the two kinds of wedding songs revealed a number of lessons, similar and different in some ways. The data collected have shown that both kinds of songs teach love between spouses, and the way they should cope with challenges.

However, they showed some difference in terms of temporal and spiritual issues : while traditional Rundi wedding songs mainly focus on bad relationship between the bride and her in-laws and problems encountered by some women, Christian wedding songs are mainly related to faith as a pillar for the couple's prosperity.

In all cases, out of simple melodies to entertain the ceremonies, traditional Rundi and Christian wedding songs convey useful lessons that help the people concerned to be aware of their marital responsibilities.


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