Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Ndayisaba, Espérance

Problems encountered in the teaching and learning of the writing skill at some selected schools in kayokwe commune : case of first modern Arts (school year 2013-2014) / Espérance Ndayisaba; Dr. Grégoire Njejimana, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and social sciences, department english language and literature, 2018 . - VI-64 f. ; 30 cm.


The present study aims at investigating the problems of the teaching/ learning of the writing skill encountered by the teachers/pupils of First Modern Arts at some selected schools of Kayokwe commune. To this end, 140 pupils and 8 teachers participated in the study. To collect the data, the researcher has adopted various research instruments namely: pupils' writing test, teachers' and pûpils' questionnaires and classroom observation. The result were combined with those of classroom observation. In the researchers' observation, she found that large do not apply the writing skill activities as required by the curricula are among other problems of the writing skill. Inseed, it was found out that the major sources of difficulties of the teaching/learning of the writing skill include the little time allotted to thzt skill (30min in 270min/week). This is added to the lack of specificfunctional writing materials like newspaper, articles and textbooks and the negligence of the teachin of functional writing skills in secondary schools under study. Recommendations were addressed to teachers, material designers and the Ministry of education. Future researchers should work on other parts of the country in the same domain of the writing skill or other skill or other skills where such research has not yet been conducted.

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