Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nikobamye, Pierre Claver

The impact of studying in non-boarding school on learners success in english : cases of lycée Etoile du Matin Kirimbi; lycée communal Kivuvu and lycée notre dame siège de la sagesse de Mutoyi in Bugendana Commune / Pierre Claver Nikobamye; Dr. Grégoire Njejimana, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of arts and social sciences, department of english language and literature, 2018 . - VI-63 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of the degree"Licence en langue et littérature Anglaises"


This work sets out to show the impact of studying in non-boarding school on learners' success in English .It is well known that educational system in Burundi is made of two kids of schools which are:boading schools and non-boarding schools are found in Burundi,this research was carried out based on the impact of studying in non-boarding schools on learners success in English and the analysis of the manner non-boarding schools are equipped in terms of school materials.The methodology of collecting data has been the questionnaire distributed to some learners and teachers from LEM Kirimbi,LCo KIvuvu and LNDSS Mutoyi in Bugendana commune.The answers to the above questions are found within this work together with the literature review related related to that is about non-boarding school.Three non_boarding schools in Bugendana Commune are taken to be the area of research.Those schools are Lycée Etoile du Matin Kirimbi.Lycée Communal Kivuvu and Lycée Notre Dame siège de la sagesse de Mutoyi.The results have shown that non-boarding schools are necessary although they present shortcomings.

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