Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi


Sociolinguistic study of jargon used by secondary school pupils : case of Buye high school / by Josué Niyokwizera ; Herménégilde Rwantabagu, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Institute for Applied Pedagogy, 2017 . - VIII-99 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree " Licencié en Pédagogie Appliquée, Agrégé de l'Enseignement secondaire en Anglais".


The present study dealt with a sociolinguistic study of the jargon used by secondary schools:the case of Buye pupils during 2016_2017.The researcher made an investigation to find out whether the words and expressions used Buye Lycée pupils were understandable by any outsider,their reason for using those words and strategies involved in their new words creation.
Fifty pupils were investigated as the subjects in the field study while five pupils were used in the pilot study.The instrument used to collect data was the written questionnaire.The answers to the specific questions were categorized and then analyzed systematically.The study revealed that pupils of Buye Lycée use jargon associated with their way of living.They create jargon in order to impede communication to outsiders and to distinguish themselves to the surrounding environment.They are also strategies involved in the new words creation of the Buye pupils' jargon.Those strategies involved in the new words creation of the Buye pupils' jargon.Those strategies are:affixation (prefixation,suffixation infixation),coinage,borrowing,compounding,code mixing,reduplication,clipping,echoism,neosemanticism and acronyms.The words and expressions used by Buye Lycée pupils cannot be understood to outsider unless he or she is part of the group.The researcher ended his study with a general conclusion.

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