Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Bigirimana, Thierry

Lexical collocations mastery among english mojors at the university of Burundi : the case of bac3 students in the department of english language and litterature / Thierry Bigirimana; dr. Déogratias Nizonkiza, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, faculty of arts and social sciences, department of english language and litterature, 2018 . - VII-75 f. ; 30 cm.


The present study seeks to measure lexical collocations mastery among English majors at the University of Burundi. Firstly, it investigates the extent to which third year students (Bac3) from the Department of English Language and Liteature at the University of Burundi perform on verb- noun collocations. Secondly, it investigates the extent to which third year students from the Deparyment of English Language and literature at the University of Burundi perform onn verb- adverb colocations. Thirdly, it seeks to compare which of the two types of collocations: verb-noun and verb-adverb causes more problems than the other type. Fourthly, it identifis the main causes of collocations' errors made by third year students from the Department of English language and Literature at the University of Burundi. In order to achieve the above aims, two tests were administered to the students who participated in this study.The first one involved verb-noun combinationds, while the second one was concerned with verb-adverb combinations. The results indicate that Bac3 studebts at the University of Burundi still do not know collocations. This finding matches whit previious studies aspecially Nizonkiza et al.'s (2013) findings on ESL students. Scores from both tests reveal that the types of verb-adverb is more challenging to Bac3 majors at the University of Burundi than the one of vrb-noun. In this study, we notes that main errors were related to: Kirundi interference, French interference and overgeneralization.

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