Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Manirakiza, Anicet

Problems encountered in teaching english vocaburary in selected sixth grade public primary schools of Songa commune / by Anicet Manirakiza ; Grégoire Njejimana, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of English Language and Literature, 2016 . - VII-70 f. ; 30 cm.

A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree "Licence en Langue et Littérature Anglaises".


Since this study deals with problems encountered in teaching English vocabulary in selected sixth grande public primary schools of songa commune, the primary aim of my research is to examine the problem related to the teaching of vocabulary to sixth grande pupils. Moreover, the study provides solutions which may help the improvement of teachings. The collection of the data was made on the basis of both classroom observations and questionnaires for pupils and teachers of some primary schools in Songa commune. The selection of informants was done randomly and the analyste used quantitative method to analyse the data.

The results brought out that many teachers of primary schools do not teach English vocabulary lessons appropriately. Firstly, they did not get trainingcourses and seminars to enhance their intellectual capacity. Secondly, their methodology is not adequate to the young leachers start by reading the text without explaining key items. There is no availability of teaching materials. The lack of books is the main problem which is observed in many primary schools. The teachers did not use visual aids instead they focused on giving the meanings of the items. Thirdly, the methods used by many teachers are demotivating. Finally, most of the schools are located in noisv area.

Therefore, suggestions are addressed to the government in general and programme designers in particular. The government should support education sectors in providing enough teaching materials and the programme designers office in primary schools (BEPEP) should organize seminars and training courses for English teachers. Teachers should use appropriate methods to young learners. Plays and visual aids have to be given the priority during lessons so that young learners may get the meaning of new words through context. Learners should make an effort of repeating the sounds of vocabulary as 'Practice Makes Perfect'.

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