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Problématique de développement des systèmes d'exploitations caféicoles face à la mutation des systèmes agraires et solutons altérnatives cas de la région nord du Burundi

Published by : Université du Burundi, Faculté d'agronomie et de Bio-Ingénierie, Département de socio économie rurale(SER). (Bujumbura) Physical details: XV-74f. 30 cm. Year: 2020

Mémoire présenté et défendu publiquement en vue de l'obtention d'un diplôme de Mastère en développement rural et agro-business.


Coffee is the main agricultural export product in Burundi. It represents about 60 to 70% of the total exports value.

Coffee production has experienced trend in recent years due to a reduction of coffee trees productivity. This decline of coffee trees productivity is justified by several factors such as the lack of rigor, the scarcity of exloitable lands as well as the unsatisfactory price of cherry coffee according to the producers what is the origin of the suppression of coffee trees.

As for the decreasing of coffee trees productivity, this is due also to the aging of coffee trees. The majority of them were planted in the 1980. In addition, coffee farmers attach little importance to the maintenance of coffee fields by integrating other incompatible cultures, which is an inappropriate technique.

Despite the above constraints, which handicap the Burundian coffee sector, it has advantages on the international market due to his quality.

For the sustainable management of the quality and productivity of field, methods of integrating other compatible crops into coffee trees are being tested.

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