Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nkezumukama, Prime

The conflict between good and evil in John Milton's paradise lost / by Prime Nkezumukama; Dr. Njeng Eric S., Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and social sciences, department of english language and literature, 2018 . - IV-56 f. ; 30 cm.


This study sets out to examine the conflict between good and evil through John
Milton’s Paradise Lost, in which good defeats evil. It aims at developing John
Milton’s Anglo-Saxon portrayal of his people’s soul and behavior, particularly
the clergy. This work proves that the conflict between good and evil that appears
in the innermost of human beings originates from our first parents (Adman and
Eve) as John Milton portrays it in Paradise Lost. The reality in this is that God is
not responsible of our suffering in this world. Adam and Eve “brought death into
the world and all our woe” because Satan found pleasure in the pain and
destruction of other people and things, “To do aught good never will be our
task/But ever to do ill our soul delight”. Fortunately, God opted into saving his
creation by sending his Beloved Son in earth. After all, the epic poem proves that
God gave us free will, and attracted by Lucifer’s deeds, we are responsible for
our choosing of evil. Our everyday life shows the struggle between good and evil
and goodness is not goodness without a struggle which will always overcome evil
for responsible human beings.

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