Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Harirabona, Jean Bosco

The effect of unqualified teachers of the 9th grade learners speaking proficiency in english selected basic schools of Mwaro province / by Jean bosco Horirabona; Mr. Alfred Irambana, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Institute for Applied Pedagogy, english-kirundi departement, 2018 . - VII-59 f. ; 30 cm.


This work entitled : THE EFFECT OF UNQUALIFIED TEACHERS ON THE 9TH GRADE LEARNERS SPEAKING PROFICIENCY IN SELECTED BASIC SCHOOLS IN SOME COMMUNES OF MWARO PROVINCE aims at showing the effect of unqualified teachers o the learners' speaking proficiency. To carry out this research, three research hypotheses were formulated. They were stated as the following : 1) There is an alarming of unqualified teachers, 2) Those teachers are not good at English language speaking because they are not able to teach in target language, 3) Their qualification affects speaking proficiency because the students must imitate the way their teachers pronounce words. My research respondents were 120 teachers who were taken as the population and the sample used was 30 teachers who represented the whole population. To collect data teachers questionnaire and classroom observations were used. After analysing the data, it was found that there is a great number of unqualified teachers in the area the research was conducted. In the same perspective, it was found that teachers are not good at English language speaking because they are not able to teach in the target language. The qualification they have affects the learners' speaking proficiency because the teacher is a main factor for learners' learning process. Finally, recommendations about what could be done were proposed to make various stakeholders assume their roles in making all those who were concerned with the learners' speaking proficiency in English.

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