Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nimubona, Evode

Efficiency of dialogues and conversation in the improvement of pupil's communicative competence in english language : case of 5th forms of some selected public secondary schools in Bujumbura / by Evode Nimubona; Mr Jean Bosco Harerimana, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and social sciences, department of english language and literature, 2018 . - IX-69 f. ; 30 cm.


This work discusses the place of dialogues and conversation in the improvement of students' communicative competence at secondary school level. Its main objective is to see whether or not this important approach is developed by the teachers and if yes, to see to what extent has it positively improved the students, communicative competence : and if the answer is no 'what should be done as remedy to the situation. Major questions set up to guide the researcher were to know the techniques and approaches used by teachers to improve students' communicative competence and whether or not dialogues and conversations are used. The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument of collecting data. The data collected are processed, analyzed and interpreted. After the analysis, it is discovered that teachers do not give a considerable place to dialogues and conversations while teaching; and this leads to the low performance of students in oral communication. Based on findings, some recommendations are put forward to whom it may concern for the correction of the identified errors. It is believed that researchers, teachers and students alike will find this work very useful.

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