Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Ntirandekura, Fulgence

A sociolinguistic study of the jargon spoken by pupils at Lycee of Musinzira during th 2015-2016 year / by Fulgence Ntirandekura ; Sylvestre Nkurikiye, supervisor . - Bujumbura : A sociolinguistic study of the jargon spoken by pupils at Lycee, 2018 . - VIII-64 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of "Licence en Langue et Littérature Anglaises".


This work deals with the jargon spoken by the Lycee of Musinzira boarders. The aim is to collect the jargon words and expressions and analyze them from a socolinguistic angle and account for their importance in everyday interactions between pupils. The work is subdivided into five chapters.

The first chapter is the general introduction which comprises the introduction to the whole work, the sociolinguistic situation at Lycee of Musinzira, the statement of the problem, the aim of the study, the research questions and motivation. The second chapter is the literature review where différent writers' views about language use in society are quoted to support the work. The third is the Methodology chapter which defines the population from which data are collected, the sampling methods, the data collection techniques, as well as how collected data are analyzed. The fourth chapter presents the actual data collected through this survey, their analysis at différent levels, as well as the findings. The fifth and last chapter is the conclusion which summarizes the whole study.

This work shows that the jargon is self-contained and a good tool as means of communication if its speakers use it in appropriate contexts.

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