Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nishirimbere, Eduige

Motherhood in Adiela Onyedibia's Orie / by Eduige Nishirimbere ; Marie-Thérèse Toyi, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of English Language and Literature , 2018 . - V- 69 f. ; 30 cm.

A Thesis submitted in partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of "Licence en Langue et Littérature Anglaises"


This work sets out to examine the motherhood in Adiela Onyedibias Orie.It analyzes the joys and pains of motherhood as well as the role played by a mother in Nigerian society.It gives a firm idea that traditional norms hinder the mothers from enjoying life with their chidren and alsointerrogates the place of motherhood in childrearing and in child education.Onyedibia portrays motherhood as a sacred as well as a powerful spiritual compinent of the mother's life. Emphasis is put on literary discourse where motherhood is a recurrent theme, where motherhood is also a lifelong commitment. This work explores motherhood as a discourse in African writers' creative efforts. A key intention of the work is to explore their perceptions regarding women as mother and the sense of hope they make of their motherhood experiences. The purpose is to interpret these from a feminist and a sociological perspectives and see whether or not the institution of motherhood can ultimately empower women to be visible in vital areas of human endeavours. The study appraises motherhood as both a concept and an institution of a nation. We can instead say that a mother should be given the right place which is convenient to her.

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