Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nimubona, Alexis

Social and traditional Constraints in marriage : A study of selected short stories from Tanure Ojaide's the old man in the state house and other stories / by Alexis Nimubona ; Dominic Nformi Nganyu, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Institute for Applied Pedagogy, English- Kirundi Department, 2016 . - aut. : IV- 57 f. ; 30 cm.

A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree " Licencié en pédagogie Appliquée, agrégé de l'Enseignement secondaire en Anglais"


This work examines the various social and traditional constraints that affect marriages. Our work explores the problems which occur in marriage as a result of social and traditional exigencies in Tanura Ojaide's The old Man in the State House and Other Stories. On one hand Marriage is plagued by constraints related to traditional beliefs and on the other hand constraints governing the societal relationship between men and women in marriage. A woman who waits so long to have children is blamed by her relatives and her neighbours and even the relationship with her husband is not good. Through the use of new historicism and feminist theory this work explores the problems in marriage considering the society, the ideology in a given time and the way through which women want to be associated in taking decosion in their marriage. Our study is predicated on the hypothetical assumption that social expectations and traditional norms sometimes have negative impacts on marriages.

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