Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Karorero, Gyslain

A sociolinguistic study of the sociolect spoken by bus drivers of Kamenge park / Gyslain Karorero; Dr. Ildephonse Horicubonye, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of arts and social sciences, department of english language and literature , 2011 . - V-80 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of the Degree "Licence en langue et littérature Anglaises"


This study at gaining deep description and understanding of the sosiolect spoken by bus drivers of kamenge park. It was conducted to answer three researchquestions about the socialgrounds behind the creation of the bus driver's socielect.The meaning change in the bus driver sociolect and the impact of the bus drivers' sociolect on the surrounding people. To achieve his , a sample of 3 0 drivers was randomly seleced. The instruments used to collect data included among other personal observation and interview. Thus, this work revealed that bus drivers use the sociolect in order to hide the language used in their daily life ( secrec) for some others use it unwillingly and there are other people who use the sociolect to be different from others

It was also revealed that the sociolectal words and expressions used by bus drivers of kamenge park undergo a sematic change and has an impact on the population surrounding the kamenge park. We noted that the semantic change that occurred is mainly concerned with 2 main figures of speech: metaphor and metonymy. In fact, the words which take the origin in languages skoken in bus drivers milieu such as kirundi, swahili, french , and English.
To conclude this study, some recommendations were made to drivers; to researchers ansd to govevernment so as so to feciloitae further studies.

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