Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Niyonsaba, Concesse

Impediments to communicative competence for learners of english as d second language : case of first arts form in some selected schools in makamba commune / Concesse Niyonsaba; Mr. Claver Nzobonimpa, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, faculty of english language and literature, 2018 . - VII-79 f. ; 30 cm.

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for fhe award of the degree "licence en langue et littérature anglaises"


This work aims at finding out the teaching materials used in class pupils' attitudes towards English, and exposure to the use of English as well as motivation. It is well known that language is for communication. In fact, some pupils finish their studies with inabilities to communicate in spoken form as well as in written form. Thus, for better and reliable results, the stade of secondary school in Makamba commune is taker to be the area of research. Pupils and teachers were chose to get the answers to my research questions. Therefore, the questionnaire for pupils and interview for teachers were used as the best instruments for collecting data, and informants were chosen randomly within the selected school. Data analysis was done in descriptive way, that is, data from interview were analysed in terms of words whereas data from questionnaire were statistically analysed in terms of number forms and respondents were marked in terms of percentages. After the data have collected and analysed, I realized tha teaching material are not sufficient and adequate. Only blackboad and textbooks were used. In addition, many resources that may help pupils to develop all language skills were not used. Concerning the attitudes of pupils, it was highlighted that pupils have positive attitudes. However, their attitudes and motivation were inhibited by insufficient, inadequacy of materials as well as the lack of exposure to the use of English. Moreover, it was found that pupils lack of exposure as well motivation in and outside of the class. This is due to the great extent of the use their mother tongue. Therefore, many opportunities should be provided to the learners of English in order to have the great exposure as well as motivation.

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