Catalogue en Ligne des Bibliothèques de l'Universite du Burundi

Nshimirimana, Olivier

A study of english language use by Jehova's Witness in Bujumbura city / by Olivier Nshimirimana; Antoine Nteziryayo, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of English Language and Literature, 2016 . - V-65 p. ; 30 cm.

A dissrtation submetted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree "Licence en Langue et Litterature anAnglaises"


Generally speaking English is a language which is spoken in many countries of the world. It is mainly used for communication like other languages, and used in different domains. The goal of this study is to explore the English language use patterns by Jehovah's witnesses, members of a congregation that uses English in their everyday mission of preaching people, and particularly English speakers living in Bujumbura Township.

After investigation, i realized that Jehovah's witnesses in their everyday mission of evangelization had various methods and language use plays a major role to fulfill their duties. Hence, an internal congregation made of Jehovah's witnesses who use English was considered as a speech community on its own looking at heir frequency of meeting and their exclusive use of English while on mission and during meetings. Therefore, it was clear that they use English even out of the religious domain like following mass media programs. Once more, it was made clear that Bujumbura Township enclosed a number of people who speak English looking at Jehovah's witnesses' interlocutors in their mission of evangelization. It was also worth mentioning that despite their beliefs they had positive attitudes towards English and its use as well.

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