Irambona, Jérôme

Double consciousness : the tragedy of exile and home in Tanure Ojaide'the activist / by Jérôme Irambona, Nformi Nganyu Dominic, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Institute for Applied Pedagogy, English-Kirundi Department, 2016 . - IV-93 p. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submetted in partial fufilment of the requirements for the award of the degree "Licencié en Pédagogie Appliquée, Agrégé de l'Enseignement Secondaire en Anglais


This work sets out to examine the dual challenges f life faced by an individual both as a man living in a foreign land and the difficulties to secure a place in hs home country full of infelicities. This study which is based on Tanure Ojaide's The Activist explores the protagonist's stay in a western society hat does not accept Blacks as equals and his nostalgic return to his homeland in which his people are marginalsed and negleced. It equally examines the challenges he encounters n the process of trying to cope with and/or redress the unjust societies. This sudy is besed on the hypothesis that Tanure Ojaide's main character is caught up in the complexity of living a foreign racist society and his homeland fraught with political malpractices. So, our study seeks to show how the writer tries to enlst the intellectual class n the process of nation building. Moreover, it aims at awakening political consciousness among the trodden people via the intellectual activism by which socio-political and economic reforms are built. This work is a mrror through which Africans and especally leaders could see the need to consider the condition of its people. For the analysis, New Hstoricism is used in the interpretation of the text.

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