Niyorugira, Evode

The theme of disillusionment in T.M Aluko's chief the honorable minister / par Evode Niyorugira; Mr. Dominic Nformi Nganyu, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and social sciences, department of english language and literature, 2018 . - IV-53 f. ; 30 cm.


This work examines the disillusionment in the post independence period in T.M Aluko's chief the honorable Minister.It shows the relation between
the rulers and inability of the former,as a means of echoing the aspirations of the masses,as well as the aftermath of the hypothetical contention that the disillusionment of the masses in Aluko's
chief the honorable minister stems from the misconduct of the elite and the lack of a sustainable force among the people to resist the oppressive leadership put in place after independence.As it has been seen in many African countries which have undergone colonisation,to gain independence has been due to the efforts of both the leaders and the masses.During that period,leaders promised many good things to the masses.Once the independance has been reached,learders did not accomplish that they used to promise their fellow citizens.Instead of serving their people ,they fulfilled their own intersts.As consequences of this behaviour,peoplebecame disappointed,which pushed them to their disillusionment.This work concludes that the future of Africa lies in the hands of Africans themselves ,and this can be achieved only through unity and collective action.

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