Nkurunziza, Désiré

Debunking racial prejudice in Frederick Douglas's the heroîc slave / by Désiré Nkrunziza; Dr. eric S. Njeng . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and social sciences, department of english languae and literatures, 2016 . - IV-47 f. ; 30 cm.


This work scrutinizes the idea of racism in Frederick Douglass' The Heroic Slave. On this note, the work emphasizes the psychological and physical torture slaves experienced in the new world since the institution of slavery was legalized. It further stresses the traumatic experience black slaves suffered regardless of their human rights or their fragile state. It demonstrates how the long period of extreme ill-treatment compelled slaves to become conscious of their bondage deciding to fight back against racism they are undergoing so as to accede to subsequent freedom. In nutshell, this work analyses how black slaves struggled to free themselves from the yoke of slavery through several ways. At last, it is courage, heroism and firm determination that were the watch-words in the quest for freedom

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