Nitunga, Elodie

Assessment of the english teaching and learning in English teaching clubs : a case of selected English teaching clubs in Bujumbura municipality / Alodie Nitunga ; Consolata Nahimana, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Institute for Applied Pedagogy English Department , 2018 . - IX-99 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submetted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree "Licencié en Pédagogie Appliquée, Agrégée de l'enseignement Secondaire en Anglais".


This study seeks to assess the English teaching and learning in some selected English Clubs in Bujumbura Municipality. It is structured around five hypotheses : (1) : There is no balance in the English teaching and learning of the four skills in Bujumbura English Clubs, (2) : A sufficient time allotted to the English and learning in the English clubs. (3) : The appropriate teaching methodologies and materials used in the English Clubs help the learners to master the language. (4) : Different activities are organized in the English clubs. (5) : The organized activities take into consideration of the learners' needs.

The study was carried out in five selected English Clubs located in different parts of Bujumbura city with 52 respondents as the research population among them 7 teachers and 45 learners. The data were collected by means of two instruments : a teachers and learners' questionnaire and a classroom observation. After analyzing the data, it was found out that the teaching and learning if the four skills in English Clubs is not balanced. It was also found that the teaching methods that are applied help the learners to master the language, concerning the teaching materials it was revealed that English clubs do not possess enough teaching materials, however the few that are available help the learners to master the language.

Furthermore, it was found out that different activities organized in English Clubs take into consideration of the learners' needs.

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