Nijimbere, Marie Claudine

Gender inequality in classroom discussions : the case of first form arts in some Bujumbura secondary schools / Marie Claudine Nijimbere; Dr. Grégoire Njejimana, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, faculty of arts and social sciences, 2018 . - VII-59 f. ; 30 cm.


Since this study deals with gender inequality in classroom discussions in first form Arts of some Bujumbura secondary schools, the purpose is to show how gender inequality in classroom discussions affects learners' learning abilities. The main goal is to identify the problem related to Turn-taking in classroom discussions. It uses classroom observation and questionnaire for learners and teachers of first form Arts so as to collect the data. The researcher uses the simple random collection selection in order to get informants. The study was conducted in Bujumbura Province at the secondary schools os Rubirizi, Maramvya, Tenga, Kirombwe and Kiyenzi. The results provided thatboys dominate the classroom discussions, and teachers' classroom management techniques and their methodology influence gender inequality in classroom discussions. Therefore, suggestions are addressed to program designers, they should organize training for gender sensitivity curriculum, teaching and learning materials should be gender inequality response. In addition, teachers should use methodlogy and classroom management strategies which are gender inequality response. Learners on their side sholud both boys and girls be active participants in their education.

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