Manirambona, Josélyne

Factors hindering the development of the reading skill in english in 9th form of basic schools : study conducted in selected basic schools of Bujumbura municipality / by Josélyne Manirambona ; Dominique Savio Nsengiyumva, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Institute for Applied Pedagogy, English-Kirundi Department, 2018 . - VIII-69 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree "Licencié en Pédagogie Appliquée, agrégé de l'Enseignement Secondaire en Anglais".


The aim of conducting this study was to find out the factors hindering the development of the reading skill in English for 9th form pupils of basic schools located in Bujumbura Municipality. Data were collected using the teachers' and pupils' questionnaires and a classroom observation. Those questionnaire were distributed to 130 pupils and 6 teachers of 9th forms of 6 selected basic schools located in Bujumbura Municipality. The findings revealed that there were so many factors that hindered the 9th form pupils reading performance in English language.

It was confirmed by both teachers and pupils asked in this research that there were a lack of sufficient and appropriate teaching materials that must be used in the teaching and learning process.
The said that they only used the students' textbooks and teachers' guide as teaching materials. Because of the lack of sufficient reading books, students did not frequently read after school, which is important to develop the pupils' reading performance. The teachers asked confirmed that the pupils' attitude plays a great role in the teaching and learning of the reading skill. It was also revealed that the teachers' methods and techniques used in teaching the reading skill in English influence pupils' learning.

Considering the time allotted to English lessons in classroom, the availability of reading books, and the size of classes, teachers explained that they used class work and group work as teaching methods.

Therefore, the outcome is that the teaching and learning of the reading skill in English is done ineffectively.

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