Kantungeko, Jean Elysé.

The importance of english reading tests in secondary school to improve the reading skill of students : case of first arts form of some public and private schools / Jean Elysé Kantungeko; Dr. Grégoire Njejimana, Directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, faculty of arts and social sciences, department of english language and litterature, 2018 . - VI-64 f. ; 30 cm.


With my research topic" THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH READING TEXTS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS TO IMPROVE THE READING SKILL OF STUDENTS/CASE OF FIRST ARTS FORM OF SOME PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLSI want the students of 1st Arts section with the help of their teachers to know the importance of reading texts and improve their reading skill by reading a lot in classroom and outside the classroom guided or unguided by teachers.As far as reading is concerned,it is the most important langauage skills required far academic and professional purposes.Reading will help learners to decipher new words that they need for conversations.Through reading language,learners will have vocabulary knowledge which will facilitate their speaking performance and their usage of structure in the target language will develop.For research methodology,i have used questionnaires for teachers and students.After data analysis,i have found that most of students do not like reading outside the classroom and there is no varied,motivating reading texts in some libraries.It has been revealed that the time allotted to English texts in some libraries.It has been revealed that the time allotted to English reading texts is insufficient.Thus English teachers are recommended to train students to some reading techniques and encourage them to read frequently.

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