Dushime, joyeuse Pamella

Relationshipbetween gwothof collational competence and class level : case of academic vocabulary / by Joyeuse Pamella Dushime ; Déogratias Nizonkiza, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of arts and social sciences, 2017 . - VIII-88 f. ; 30cm.

Athesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the awward of the degree "Licence en langue et littérature Anglaises"


The present study explores the relationship between growth of collocational competence operationalized through academic vocabulary (Academie Word List) and class level.

Participants are BC1 and BC3 English majors from the Department of English Language and Literature (DELL) in University of Burundi. As the study intended to test and compare colloctional competence of BC1 and BAC3, they were administered a same collocation test.
The collocations were selected from the academic word list.

Results show that BAC3 students performed better than BAC1 Students. But, all of them are far from the Shmitt' suggestion as the threshold score in a collocation test. This shows that the participants' baggage of collocational competence is very low and need to be improved.

These results support the assertion that language learners and teachers apparently have trouble using collocations and that collocation knowledge develops as proficiency increases. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that English majors of University of Burundi have a low baggage of collocation competence and this baggage grows alongside class level.

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