Hitimana, Octave

The impact of large classes on the speaking skill in english in secondary schools : case of some selected secondary schools in Matana commune and Bujumbura city / by Octave Hitimana ; Dr Sylvestre Nkuruki, supervisor . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Departement of English Language and Literature, 2017 . - VII- 57 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Licence en Langue et Litéérature Anglaises


This work deals with the impact of large classes on the speaking skill in English. It analyzes the difficulties met in large classes by both the teachers. It is divided intofive chapters. The first chapter of this work provides readers with information related to the topic under investigation. The second chapter reviews the liberature in connection with thr topic under study and gives views of other author towards the teaching of the speaking skill and class size. It looks at different works of other researchers whose topics have to do with the present study. The third chapter shws different methodes and strategies to use to conduct this study. The fourth chapter, the body of the work, deals with the data presentation and analysis, and the interpretation of the findings. The concluding chapter consists of a general conclusion of the work and some recommendations that can behelpful to improve the teaching of the speaking skill in secondary schools. We axpect all the people involved in Burundian education to do their best to make the pupils be successful when using the English language skills, especially the speaking skill.

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