The art of computer programming
/ Donald E. Knuth
. - Upper Saddle River : Addison-Wesley, 2008
. - 3 vol. ; 24 cm.
V.1 : Fundamental algorithms. - Third ed. - XIX-650 p. (The classic work newly updated and revised ; 8963). - ISBN 13 : 9780201896831 : 3 Ex. V.2 : Seminumerical algorithms. Third ed. - XIII-762 p. (The classic work newly updated and revised ; 89684) - ISBN 13 : 9780201896848 : 3 Ex. V.3 : Sorting and searching. - Second ed. - XIII-780 p. (The classic work newly updated and revised ; 89685) - ISBN 13 : 9780201896855 : 3 Ex.