Nzeyimana, Christophe

Up from slavery, chains unbound : a study of the narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas, an american slave / by christopha Nzeyimana, Dominic Nganyu Nformi, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of English Language and Literature, 2010 . - IV-50 f. ; 29 cm.

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree "Licencié en langues et littératures Anglaises"


This work sets out to examine the horrible and inhuman tretment inflected on black slaves during the period of slavery as seen in Frederick Douglass's The narrative of the Life of Frederic Douglass, an American slave. It equally examines the various justifications given by the slaveholders for the enslavement of blacks. It is an examination of the atrocities and abhorrent treatment of slaves in American plantations .

In the view of all this, this work operated on the premise that oppression has as natural consequence resistance and always results in freedom.

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