Niyongabo, Pacifique

The Theme of knowledge in John Bunyan's The pilgrim's progress / by Pacifique Niyongabo . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, 2016 . - IV-67 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree : " Licence en Langue et Littérature Anglaises"


This work set out to examine the theme of knowledge in The Pilgrin's Progress. Through different characters and situations, Buryan exposes how a Christian life is a struggle that needs knowledge to reach its goal. He also wants to show that to live in sin is ignorance. In this regard, the work is based on the hypothesis that to live a real Christian life, one needs to have knowledge of God and self-recognition. Sustained by virtues, that knowledge of God leads Christian to the total redemption, life in heaven. The above mentioned is evident in three angles of this work respectively in Sin as Ignorance. Virtue as Wisdom and Knowledge as Redemption. This work employs psychological approach which holds that the author's work is the product of his social and psychological situation. Thus Bunyan asserts that everyone who needs to be a Christian has to possess special vision, knowledge and faith.

Don de l' auteur
