Nibivugire, Augustin

Problems encountered in teaching english in technical schools : the case of some selected Technical Secondary Schools in Bujumbura city / By Augustin Nibivugire ; Antoine Nteziryayo, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of English Language and Literature, 2015 . - V-68 f. ; 30 cm.

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree "Licence en Langue et Littérature Anglaises".


This study aimed to investigate the problems encountered in teaching English in technical schools. Numerous studies language teaching , have been carried out and a lot of approaches have been made for a good conduct of English lessons.

Hoxever, this study was limited to the teaching of English in technical schools in order to find out different problems that English techers are facing in their professions, which hinder the achievement of their goals.
The purpose of this study is mainly to investigate whether the lack of well - designed programs and consistent materials as well as insufficient time hinder the English teaching in technical schools and influence learners' low proficiency in English. In this study, 45 English teachers from different technical schools in bujumbura city were selected to complete a questionnaire reflecting problems faced in their profession.

In this work, we found that English teachers in technical schools faced a lot of problems. Among those problems, the incongruity of teaching curriculum, that is, the lack of specified programs to follow, the lack of sufficient and relevant materials with technial teaching purpose, the insufficient time allotted to English lessons, to name but a few.

The results have shown that those problems hamper not only teachers' conduct of their tasks but also learners' attainment of proficiency in English.
Finally, based ont hje findings some suggestions and recommendations for teachers, schools administrators, syllabus designers as well as policy-makers in the Ministry of education have been highlighted for a successful future education and teaching career.

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