Nizigiyimana, Médiatrice

Woman's self-assertion in Alobwed Epie's the lady with a beard / par Médiatrice Nizigiyimana; Domonic Nganyu Nformi, directeur . - Bujumbura : Université du Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Department of English Language and Litterature, 2013 . - IV-72 f. ; 30 cm.

A thesis submetted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degre Licence en Langue et Littérature anglaises


This work examines the theme of self-assertion in Alobwed Epie's The Lady with a Beard. It gives a panoramic view of the woman's conditions in a patriarchal society and how she reacts to patriarchy and societal norms and eventually gives full meaning to her life. This work highlights how the African woman tries to break the frontiers set by patriarch and societal norms and shows herself as a combattant figure in her society. By choosing to be banished, the heroïne of this novel chooses to be an independent person and avoids to be caught by traditional heliefs, customs, and norms. On this note, the work operates on the premise that the woman's self-assertion, consciousness, initiated actions are alternative ways to overcome patriarchy and societal constraints. Written against the background of the feminist theory, this work further argues that amidst patriarchal and societal norms. Alobwed's female character has proven that women can achieve better works without men's supervision and guidance.

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