Twagirayezu, Edmond

Assessment of the teaching of the writing skill at the upper level in some public secondary schools in the city of Bujumbura : The case of first forms in the arts section / Edmond Twagirayezu ; Dr Antoine Nteziryayo, directeur . - Bujumbura : University of Burundi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, department of english language and literature, 2013 . - V-73 f. ; 30 cm.

This work on the : Assessment of the Teaching of the Writing Skill at the Upper Level in some Public Secondary Schools in the city of Bujumbura : the case of first forms in the Arts section aims at finding problems and strengths faced by both pupils and teachers in the process of learning and teaching the language in general and the writing skill in paerticular.

Therefore, it shows to which extent the writing skill is taught. It also aises out the difficulties which hamper its promotion and attempts to suggest recommendations which should at least give remedy to those difficulties of this language skill.

